Economic and Valuation Analysis Financial Modeling and Valuation Expand Extremely efficient modeling and forecasting tools in support of potential acquisitions, divestitures and/or mergers and JVs, Performance of risk analyses and simulations associated with upside and downside possibilities, Development of typical debt covenant projections (e.g., Net Debt/EBITDA) and other operational metrics, e.g., NPV, IRR, ROI, etc., Capital Budgeting and Forecasting Expand Dynamic modeling of gross capital requirements, Forecasting of comprehensive business net cash flows, Calculation of traditional return analysis for capital investment decisions, Transaction Structuring Support and Negotiation Expand Deal structuring support, Modeling of transaction component values and risks in support of negotiation efforts, Direct involvement in support of transaction negotiation, Our team has extensive experience with energy-specific transactions including farm-outs, drillcos, drill-to-earn structures and joint ventures.